What is it?
This is an invasive technique in which a very thin acupuncture needle is introduced into the body without bearing any substance. Your goal is to eliminate the pain that exists in the trigger point or contracture, in order to obtain the relaxation of a muscle or tendon tense and rigid.
Which patients is it directed to?
Dry needling is particularly indicated for all patients with:
Is it effective?
It is a painless and highly effective technique because the needle reaches the focus of the pain, and an immediate decrease thereof, which is yielding in the days after the treatment is checked. Sometimes the effects are immediate, but sometimes more sessions may be needed until the total disappearance of symptoms.
From Monday to Friday from 09:00 h. to 21:00 h.
From Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 13:00 and 15:30 to 20:00 h.